♾️2.1 Deposit Tokens & Global Trackers

2.1 Deposit tokens

In order to address donation and reentrancy attacks, the following measures were adopted:

  • No withdraws of native ether, only wrapped ether (WETH)

  • Underlying borrow and collateral tokens (USDC and WETH) are converted 1:1 into ERC-20 deposit tokens via deposit, which mints szaUSDC and szWETH, and received back via withdraw, which burns deposit tokens 1:1 in exchange for the underlying tokens.

Deposit tokens are non-transferable.

2.1.1 aszUSDC

Rebasing token (based on Aave's aUSDC) that tracks the USDC in the system.

2.1.1 szWETH

Standard (non-rebasing) token that tracks (W)ETH in the system for a specific user.

2.2 Global Trackers

Debt tokens are non-transferable.

2.2.1 szDebt

Borrower total outstanding debt tracker.

Last updated